It’s hard to think of the 1980s as history – it was only a few years ago, surely? Wasn’t life in the ‘80s just like life now, but with less WiFi, more Rubik’s Cubes and Findus Crispy Pancakes?


It would be easy (honestly, preferable) to think so. But then a show like It’s A Sin comes along and the sheer expanse of time, all 40 years of it, truly hits home.


This devastatingly beautiful five-part series, created by the incredible Russell T Davies, has already broken countless records (and hearts) since it dropped on All 4 on January 22. A coming-of-age story following a group of gay men and their friend Jill throughout the 1980s, it follows the progression of the AIDS epidemic from its arrival – a small cloud on the horizon barely noticed by the characters who are busy drinking, partying, and exploring their sexuality via lots of shagging – to its emergence as a full, destructive thunderstorm of an epidemic that continues to shape British society today.


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