I'm not sure I'm supposed to admit this, but a Christmas spent without the company of friends or relatives wasn’t the crushing prospect for me that it’s been for a lot of folk this year. Of course, I want to see all the people I’ve been missing every day. But at this late stage of 2020 – a year that has dealt both hammer blows and paper cuts with relentless regularity – I just don’t have it in me to be outraged or devastated by one more thing.
Like everyone else (or rather, almost everyone – I’m looking at you Rita Ora) I stopped making weekend plans or booking holidays months ago, and the pessimist in me had, by November, already chucked Christmas into the box marked ‘bit sad: don’t dwell’ along with holding my friends’ new babies, and karaoke bars. But Christmas has a powerful energy so, for many people, the embers of hope continued to glow in the face of increasingly gloomy news.
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