When Gina Martin tenaciously forced through the upskirting bill, women across the UK couldn’t quite believe that, up until that point, it had been totally fine for any old perv to shove a camera up their gusset for sexual gratification.
Now, I don’t have personal experience of such behaviour – I am in no way ashamed to say that a photo of my undercarriage is more likely to induce vomit than arousal – but what I do have experience of is weird men staring at me while I breastfeed.
On one occasion, it was so bad that I tried to out-stare the man staring at me. As he wasn’t looking at my face, my attempt to show I wasn’t to be intimidated failed. Eventually, I gave up and took my son to the bog where he was forced to eat his lunch in precisely the same spot someone had just done their afternoon dump. Delightful.
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