“Usually, it’s a request for a biscuit,” Erica Davies laughs, as our early morning Zoom call is interrupted by yet another child, this time hers.


That we’re both hiding away to chat online while our kids do goodness-knows-what for an hour is merely accepted fact by this point in 2020, and Davies is quick to point out that she’s made her peace with it.


“I think I’m probably like every working mum in the country in that it’s been a real struggle,” she smiles. “Trying to balance the needs of your children while having very real deadlines and very real emails that need responded to quickly… well, it’s been tricky. But you know what? I’m not on the frontline and I’m very, very grateful that I can be at home, that we’ve got space and are surrounded by greenery. That’s been a real distraction and pleasure.”


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